Green Chemistry Analysis of Product Formula and Ingredients
One Point Five applied Green Chemistry Principles to assess the ingredient toxicity, ecotoxicity, and biodegradability of a consumer product company’s five product lines.
We assessed the high-level environmental safety and efficacy concerns of the client’s product ingredients using green chemistry principles - including ECHA data and FTC guidelines. Through this process, we identified ingredients with the greatest toxicity and biodegradability risks. We then consulted green chemist experts and connected the client with verified labs to set-up biodegradability testing for the client’s wash-off products. This testing provided a biodegradability benchmark for client’s current product lines and helped to identify additional environmental risks within their product formula.
We integrated our data and findings within the client’s sustainability roadmap, and provided scientific and academic reference materials as supporting evidence. We also developed ingredient safety guidelines for current and future formulas, and made recommendations on appropriate ‘green’ claims.
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