Carbon Offsets Verification Research & Purchasing

OnePointFive evaluated US-based Carbon Offset providers to determine an ideal partnership for small enterprises to offset their emissions.

As society continues to grapple with the ramifications of climate change, companies are rapidly adopting policies to limit their own carbon footprints. As part of these reduction and mitigation efforts an increasingly popular strategy has been the purchasing of carbon offsets.

Carbon offsets represent the reduction of emissions of carbon dioxide (or other greenhouse gases) to negate the impact of emissions made elsewhere. While purchasing these offsets is a temporary measure until corporations can reduce their own emissions level, they still represent financial support for carbon reduction projects that would not have otherwise occurred. 

Not all carbon offsets are equal! There are a multitude of carbon offset providers, projects, verification standards, and criteria that must be evaluated to ensure the offsets purchased have their intended objective. As offsets become more and more popular there has been a steady increase in carbon offset brokers (middlemen that facilitate carbon transactions between project developers and buyers), project types (agroforestry, renewable energy development, energy efficiency, etc.), and verification standards. Making an informed purchasing decision became a lot more complicated.

Navigating this space can be complicated and requires further research to ensure that the offset partner and project chosen aligns with your sustainability ethos. That’s where OPF can help. At OPF, we encourage a holistic perspective when considering which carbon project to finance - there are so many opportunities and a variety of positive impacts your corporation can help foster. We will work with you to determine who the best partner and project for your unique needs.

Does our work align with challenges you currently face? Get in touch with the One Point Five team.


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