Materiality Assessment & Strategic Planning Workshops

Figure Above: One Point Five -lead virtual strategy workshop exercise. Source: One Point Five.

OnePointFive facilitated two virtual workshops with the leadership team of a company to develop their sustainability goals prioritized by material issue and opportunity. 

We worked with a company that promotes sustainability primarily through their transparent marketing, educational content, awareness campaigns, product and packaging redesign efforts.

The company had been working on a number of sustainability initiatives, but without full-time sustainability experts, they did not have the resource capacity and expertise to take their sustainability work further.

We helped the company establish a “NorthStar” sustainability commitment aligned with their company vision, mission, and SWOT, considering the competitor landscape. We identified 22 competitors and their sustainability goals to help the client build a strategic plan that defines desired outcomes with major milestones, objectives, and KPIs needed to reach the goal. We designed and facilitated a virtual workshop with the company’s executive leadership, and guided them through a materiality assessment of environmental issues related to their industry and company.

From this exercise, we were able to determine four main clusters of environmental material issues, and developed a one-year sustainability roadmap and implementation project plan.

Does our work align with challenges you currently face? Get in touch with the One Point Five team.


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