Customer Acquisition for Climate Tech

OnePointFive supported a UK-based climate risk platform startup with the market adoption of its climate risk analysis platform in the US. The climate risk platform enables companies with a portfolio of physical assets to, in real time, analyze climate physical risks such as heat stress, flooding, drought, and strong wind, at an asset level.

OnePointFive supported the client on industry research and lead generation to build the US customer adoption pipeline, on usability tests to provide product development feedback and guidance, and on business development to form long-term, strategic partnerships. Our expert team spearheaded efforts in the following aspects to support the US market adoption of the platform:

  • Industry research and market segmentation to identify high potential sectors, industries, and early-adopter customers

  • Lead generation through a combination of mass and targeted outreach and engagement

  • Market opportunity identification, intelligence gathering, and connection building through expert and industry interviews

  • Product development assessment through usability tests and customer interviews

  • Policy and advocacy connections to enhance long-term, strategic partnerships with key stakeholders

OnePointFive built a pipeline with experts and practitioners from more than 10 industries. This generated over 20 leads with high potential and led to interest and enrollments in the client’s pilot program of the climate risk platform. The team’s efforts helped the client gain insights, establish connections, and at the same time build its reputation in the field of climate physical risk analysis and forecasting within the US. The collaboration also created opportunities for the client to foster strategic partnerships in advocacy and policy making.

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User Interviews for Emissions Reduction Tool


US Market Entry For Climate Risk Tech