How To Decarbonize Organizations Around The World

When it comes to combatting the climate crisis, we cannot do it alone. When people, organizations, and ideas come together, they are only strengthened. That’s why OnePointFive seeks out strategic and complementary partners that help decouple decarbonization from growth and accelerate the transition to sustainability. 

In that spirit, OnePointFive and Climate Vault are proud to announce their collaboration aimed at helping more organizations find the right path to decarbonization.

OPF helps unlock sustainable growth through intentional climate solutions devised by a team of climate experts, ultimately helping organizations grow without destroying the planet. OnePointFive has helped dozens of clients navigate environmental solutions in four key categories of sustainability, finance, training, and technology and is trusted by leading brands including Persefoni, SINAI Technologies, Pledge, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Climate Neutral, and more.

Climate Vault’s 5-step approach towards organizational carbon removal. Credit: Climate Vault

Climate Vault is a climate nonprofit and an approved Accredited Solutions Provider (ASP) that both significantly reduces CO2 emissions and supports carbon removal technologies designed to remove legacy CO2 emissions from our atmosphere. They were named a World Changing Idea by Fast Company in 2022 and have reduced almost 900,000 t CO2 on behalf of over 50 Partners including Northern Trust, Vanderbilt University, Qlik, and Morningstar, and more than 270 individual donors.

By partnering, the unique combination of our complimentary yet non-competitive offerings will extend into our large networks and help more organizations immediately prevent carbon emissions from entering the atmosphere.

The projected warming of planet Earth comparing the Paris Climate Goal and our current trajectory. Credit: Climate Vault, UNEP 2017

"Organizations are facing mounting pressure from customers, employees, investors, and regulators to take credible climate action. We're excited to partner with OnePointFive to help its network achieve their sustainability goals in a verifiable and quantifiable way that builds a better future together. This partnership will allow us to help satisfy the rapidly growing demand from organizations to reduce their carbon footprint in a way that makes a positive impact on the planet both today and tomorrow.” - Jason Grant, Chief Operating Officer, Climate Vault.

Find out more on how OPF is helping organizations imagine and implement future growth strategies that lead in a climate economy today.


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