• Job-Ready, Not Just Jargon-Ready

    OPF Academy provides you with the actionable sustainability advisory skillset needed to future-proof your career.

Learn with top sustainability consultants & expert partners

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Build your Sustainability, Confidence, Knowledge, and Community with OPF Academy

Sustainability is the future, but the skills gap continues to widen. OnePointFive Academy is here to bridge this gap. With our expert-led, action-driven training, we equip you with the practical skills needed to lead your organization towards a sustainable future.

Hands-On Learning In Your Own Time

OPF Academy is designed to fit your life. We built OPF Academy to fit into your work schedule with a mix of pre-recorded content plus live hands-on training and speaker sessions. As an OPF Academy Fellow, you’ll get access to:

  • Access to over 740 sustainability professionals in OPF Academy’s vibrant Circle community.

  • 12 hours of asynchronous sustainability curriculum content

  • 10 Sustainability Expert Speaker live sessions per Cohort

  • 6 interactive lab sessions + lab kickoffs, where you’ll test your new skills on real problems

  • 3 free months access to Change Climate Project’s BEE (Business Emissions Evaluator) tool.

  • Build your skills on Miro and Notion (the same platforms used by many sustainability professionals)


Powerful Alumni, Proven Impact

Expand your network at our community events with OPF Academy alumni from organizations including:

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“I have a newfound confidence in my growing skills, and have learned almost as much from my peers as I have from the instructors at OPFA. Listening was key for me, and I have heard from many diverging perspectives that have helped give me a broader view of the sustainability landscape and produced more critical thought on different tools and initiatives.”

Katherine Rocchio
Sustainable Development & GIS

“In addition to the harder skills brought by OPF Academy across GHG accounting, the entire reporting and regulatory landscape, sustainability strategy planning, and LCA modeling, I developed through our program the understanding that sustainability leadership can come from all levels of an organization... and they must.”

Nicole Policicchio
Founder & CEO of ElectroYogi Electrolysis

“I had an amazing experience at OnePointFive! I got to connect with fellows from all around the world, who share similar interests but have varying backgrounds and expertise. It was beautiful to be a part of discussions and listen to others' thoughts, which helped me expand my own knowledge.”

Clarissa Maciel
GIS & Environmental Science

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What You’ll Learn

When you join OPF Academy you'll follow the OnePointFive Pathway™, our 5-step process that enables you to integrate sustainability principles and confidently apply them within your organization.

    • Understand Net Zero, the science behind climate change and the brief history of sustainability, including the rise of common reporting and disclosure frameworks

    • Articulate the intent, similarities & differences between the most common reporting and disclosure frameworks

    • Provide some examples of some of the barriers in getting to Net Zero

    • Understand the key skills of sustainability professionals and sustainability consulting

    • Express the different types of corporate sustainability goals (e.g., net zero, biodiversity) and establish an understanding of net zero strategy & climate transition plan and useful frameworks (SBTi, CDP)

    • Get familiar with the 9 Planetary Boundaries framework, and understand how other important issues such as GHG potency, climate justice can be incorporated into sustainability strategy

    • Understand course structure and next steps

    • Enumerate the key components of Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions

    • Recommend GHG emissions calculation approach(es) to suit a company

    • Consider the most material GHG emissions categories for different industries

    • Discuss the limitations of GHG accounting

    • Explain how an organization’s baseline emissions are used to set targets and participate in carbon markets

    • Articulate three key differences between enterprise-level and product-level emissions

    • Recall the main environmental impact categories assessed through life-cycle analysis

    • Provide three examples of how changes in product design can impact overall footprint

    • Discuss the limitations of life-cycle analysis in GHG accounting

  • A halfway point break to help catch up on the content.

    • Summarize the global sustainability regulatory landscape to date and future trends

    • Discuss the high-level requirements of leading sustainability standards - i.e. SASB, TCFD, GRI

    • Break down the key components of a sustainability report, incl. metrics & KPIs

    • Provide 3-5 examples of physical and transitional climate risks for a given organization

    • List the key components of an effective decarbonization plan that creates long-term vision & incorporates sustainability into standard company / organizational practices

    • Explain the different ways carbon can be costed out, e.g., carbon tax, internal cost of carbon, marginal abatement curves and how those drive decarbonization approaches

    • Discuss the different components, key players & limitations of the carbon markets value chain

    • List the principles of investment into decarbonization, considering return on investment & environment

    • List sustainability professional trends, career pathways & the skill-sets needed to thrive in this profession

    • Recall best-practice frameworks & tools for sustainability professionals as takeaway reference

    • Breakdown the end-to-end sustainability project phases, from proposal scoping to close-out

    • Discern your next steps as a sustainability professional after the OPF Academy

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Who You Will Learn With

Core Curriculum Instructors & Industry Expert Speakers

OPF Academy training is delivered by experienced facilitators who advise organizations on strategic sustainability actions every day.

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Who is OPF Academy For?

We are on the lookout for professionals and leaders prepared to guide their organizations towards a brighter future.

For Climate-Responsive Professionals in Every Field

If you're passionate about sustainability and eager to help organizations make future-focused choices, you're in the right place. OPF Academy welcomes ambitious individuals from diverse backgrounds (whether you're in environmental science, marketing, finance, or beyond) who share a commitment to climate solutions. If you have some climate knowledge and are ready to level up your skills and advance your career, join us to make a real impact in the growing field of sustainability.

For Climate-Aware Organizations Ready to Take Action

Our program is tailored for organizations across various industries, including finance, technology, consumer goods, and healthcare, who are eager to take meaningful action on climate change. Whether they have a dedicated sustainability department or are just beginning to explore sustainability initiatives, our academy helps you accelerate your organization’s climate action.


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Watch our latest OPF Academy Info Session for a deep dive into our curriculum and hands-on labs, plus hear from members of our vibrant community!

Learn. Act. Change.

Join our newsletter and stay ahead with expert sustainability insights and be first to know about future cohorts.

Your Investment


Tier 3: $1,990 — apply by Sunday, October 6, 2024

Last Chance, Tier 4: $2,490 — apply by Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Next Cohorts

Oct 25 - Dec 16, 2024

March 3 - April 28

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Monthly payment plans are available

Scholarship Opportunities | Get Reimbursed | Bulk Purchases

  • OPF Academy applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Once you submit your application, you will receive an email from us within 2 weeks advising if you will move forward with out interview process. These interviews can be done
    asynchronously through VideoAsk (recommended) or live with an OPF Staff member.

    Once you have completed your interview, we will let you know within a week if you are accepted to OPF Academy. Payment timelines will be shared at that point.

  • The general time table of OPF Academy:

    Monday: 💻 Asynchronous Curriculum Modules (self-paced)

    • 2 hours of async curriculum, taught by OPF practitioners with real-world case studies

    Tuesday: 👨🏻‍🏫 Lab Kickoff (11am - 12pm EST)

    • 1 hour live session, to kick-off the Practical Lab, covering industry context, resources, software & tools

    Wednesday: 🧪 Practical Lab (1pm - 3pm EST)

    • 2 hour live practical lab to apply curriculum knowledge via a mock project case study

    🗣️ Expert Speakers (11am - 12pm EST)

    • 1 hour live speaker session

    🧑🏻‍💼 Office Hours

    • Office hours session facilitated by OPF Teaching Staff

    Varies: 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Optional Small Groups (across time zones)

    • ~1 hour curated small groups with ~4 to 5 other OPFA members

  • No prior consulting experience is needed to apply to the OPF Academy. We are looking for individuals who are passionate about addressing climate change and can bring value to the OPF Academy community alongside your learning experience. There is no ideal candidate for the Academy either, anyone and everyone is encouraged to apply!

    However, we expect most our candidates to be graduate level-mid career professionals

  • Yes, limited spots are available for the OPF Academy. We are targeting a cohort of around 180 professionals.

  • OPF Academy is a 6-9 hour weekly commitment for 8 weeks. 6 weeks of content, plus onboarding and graduation.

    We expect members to keep up to date with the course material and engage with other Fellows of the OPF Academy.

  • Definitely! The standards, regulations, and frameworks we are teaching are applicable at a global level and are the ones that are most commonly used around the world. That being said, when we dive deeper into specific regulations and standards, we will be focusing on the US, the EU, and some of Asia. This is primarily driven by where these standards originate from.

    • An OPF Action Kit including: A shareable credential (verified through Credverse) from OnePointFive that affirms your newly acquired skills as a trained sustainability consultant and one-of-kind takeaway slides & learning resources from the curriculum.

    • Ongoing access to a community-led Circle community of vetted Climate Business Professionals from the OPF ecosystem.

    • Hands-on sustainability consulting experience in our Academy labs - a less time-intensive version of a capstone project that you can leverage to advance your consulting objectives.

    • In-person regional meet-ups with your Fellows, the OPF team, and extended network.

    • Invaluable networking opportunities with OPF’s community of instructors, other Fellows, associates, and partners.

  • We strongly suggest you watch our Info Session video above that has further information or email us at info@opf.degree if your question is still unanswered.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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